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Commercial Tenant Rental Arrears

These protections will have been in place for 1 year, with some tenants having incurred significant rental arrears over this period.  The final extension gives landlords and tenants 3-months to reach an agreement over payment of rental arrears, and enables business...

We are recruiting

We are currently looking for a Full-Time commercial property solicitor.

Letter Of Wishes

What is a ‘letter of wishes’? A letter of wishes is a document drawn up to accompany your will. However, unlike your will, a letter of wishes is not legally binding, instead, it provides guidance to the individuals dealing with your estate and/or any trusts after your...

What the Election Manifestos Mean for the Future of Housing

An important element of which is the various parties’ commitment to resolving the nationwide issue surrounding the lack of affordable homes, referred to in the media as the ‘housing crisis’. This is of particular significance to those of us who operate...

Pension Sharing on Divorce

The law allows pensions to be shared between parties on divorce to assist in achieving a fair settlement. Given the different types of pensions this is a notoriously complex area and it is usually advisable to obtain advice from a financial advisor specialising in...

Divorce Pension Article Image

Neath Raisbeck Golding Appoint Trainee Solicitors

James Allum and James McKimm, both formerly Paralegals with the firm, today commence their Training Contracts. This vocational and practical stage of training lasts two years and is a prerequisite to become a Solicitor in England and Wales.Training...

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