+44 (0) 117 920 0085 hello@nrglaw.co.uk
Angela Dunlop

Angela Dunlop

Angela Dunlop: Residential Property Consultant Solicitor +44 (0) 776 933 6748 / +44 (0) 117 317 9719 / angela.dunlop@nrglaw.co.uk Angela has wide-ranging experience in both residential and commercial property law which has been amassed over a 20-year legal career. In...
Irina Gorshkova

Irina Gorshkova

Irina Gorshkova: Residential Property Consultant +44 (0) 7961 346 430 / +44 (0) 117 325 1075 / irina.gorshkova@nrglaw.co.uk Irina has over 13 years’ experience in residential conveyancing. Qualifying as a Solicitor in 2008, she has vast experience in all types of...
Louise Higham

Louise Higham

Louise Higham: Family Consultant Solicitor +44 (0) 7702 316 402 / +44 (0) 117 317 9719 / louise.higham@nrglaw.co.uk Louise is a highly experienced family lawyer advising clients on all aspects relating to matrimonial and relationship breakdown, including divorce,...
George Jones

George Jones

George Jones: Paralegal +44 (0) 0000 000 000 / +44 (0) 117 325 7736 / george.jones@nrglaw.co.uk George joined our Dispute Resolution and Litigation department in 2019, after showing potential during our two-week Summer Vacation Scheme. George graduated from the...
David Langley

David Langley

David Langley: Consultant Solicitor +44 (0) 7770 866 806 / +44 (0) 117 325 1041 / david.langley@nrglaw.co.uk David is a highly experienced commercial property solicitor and throughout his career has handled portfolio and site acquisitions, property disposals and acts...
David McAndrew

David McAndrew

David McAndrew: Partner / Head of Dispute Resolution +44 (0) 7983 425 377 / +44 (0) 117 317 9719 / david.mcandrew@nrglaw.co.uk David sits on the Executive Board and heads up the firm’s Dispute Resolution Team. David has a wide range of experience in dealing with both...