Nov 8, 2016 | Dispute Resolution
Keep Ahead of the Game with your Operator Licence DVSA are shortly to unveil their new on line facility to help you manage your Operator Licence. Amongst other things you will be able to make applications on line, and add remove or update transport managers. The new...
Oct 28, 2016 | Corporate & Commercial
New ‘People with Significant Control’ Register On 6 April 2016, new law came into effect that requires all companies to keep a register of the people who can influence or control a company, that is, the PSC of the company (People with Significant Control). PSC are...
Oct 25, 2016 | Private Client
5 Reasons to Write a Will 1. Distribution of your assets will be according to Law and not your wishes If you do not leave a Will there are set rules about whom your Estate will pass to. Unmarried Couples have no right to their partners’ Estates. 2. Administration of...