Jan 8, 2020 | Corporate & Commercial, Featured, General
Registering a trade mark application A trade mark can be thought of as a company’s corporate fingerprint What is a trade mark? A trade mark can be thought of as a company’s corporate fingerprint. Often, it is a logo, or a name that legally belongs to the company it...
Jun 2, 2018 | Corporate & Commercial, Featured
EMI Scheme - Employee Incentive Enterprise Management Incentive Schemes, also known as an EMI scheme are share options that can be granted by SMEs to employees which have favourable tax treatment. This tax treatment can extend to both the employee and to the company....
Mar 2, 2017 | Corporate & Commercial
Time's up for the annual return! From 30 June 2016 Companies began to file a “confirmation statement” in place of the document which was previously known as the “annual return”. The confirmation statements, like the annual returns, are a yearly update of the...
Oct 28, 2016 | Corporate & Commercial
New ‘People with Significant Control’ Register On 6 April 2016, new law came into effect that requires all companies to keep a register of the people who can influence or control a company, that is, the PSC of the company (People with Significant Control). PSC are...
Oct 3, 2016 | Corporate & Commercial
More Money Needed for Financial Standing The consequences of Brexit are going to be felt by Operators from the New Year. Each year the requirements for financial standing are benchmarked against the Euro at the beginning of October. With the pound falling against the...
Jul 8, 2016 | Corporate & Commercial
Sickness during holiday: reminder of employees’ rights Sickness during holiday: reminder of employees’ rights. With the main summer holiday period fast approaching, many employees will be booking and taking annual leave. But what happens if your employee is sick...