+44 (0) 117 920 0085 hello@nrglaw.co.uk
Sarah Turner

Sarah Turner

Sarah Turner: Partner / Chartered Legal Executive +44 (0) 7881 106 908 / +44 (0) 117 325 1033 / sarah.turner@nrglaw.co.uk Sarah is an expert in all matters relating to residential conveyancing and has over 21 years’ experience. She prides herself on providing a...
Shaun White

Shaun White

Shaun White: Corporate & Commercial +44 (0) 7467 223 646 / +44 (0) 117 325 1044 / shaun.white@nrglaw.co.uk Shaun works in the corporate and commercial department and is working towards obtaining his corporate finance certificate at Harvard University.Shaun has been...
Jeremy Woodcraft

Jeremy Woodcraft

Jeremy Woodcraft: Dispute Resolution Consultant Solicitor + 44 (0) 7500 717 170 / +44 (0) 117 317 9719 / jeremy.woodcraft@nrglaw.co.uk Jeremy is in charge of the regulatory department and has 20 years’ experience dealing with all aspects of regulatory law. He has...