+44 (0) 117 920 0085 hello@nrglaw.co.uk

Vicki Neath: Managing Partner

+44 (0) 7872 988 208 / +44 (0) 117 325 1031 / vicki.neath@nrglaw.co.uk

Vicki is the Founder of the firm and a Director.

Vicki manages and specialises in a wide range of areas in the firm and in particular deals with Financial Management, Human Resources, Compliance, Recruitment and Operations. Vicki’s role makes her ultimately responsible for the management of the firm and its staff.

Vicki’s experience brings strong strategic vision to the firm and a commitment to operational efficiency and development.

  • Magistrate at North Somerset Bench.
  • Civilian Committee Member of the 2494 ATC Portishead Squadron.
  • Laytons/Burges Salmon
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