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Keep Ahead of the Game with your Operator Licence

DVSA are shortly to unveil their new on line facility to help you manage your Operator Licence.

Amongst other things you will be able to make applications on line, and add remove or update transport managers.

The new system will make it easier for all Operators to ensure all required information is kept up to date but will also help them to keep the business compliant as it grows and develops.

Quite often a business will take on additional work that requires more vehicles than they are currently permitted without allowing sufficient time to increase the authorisation on the licence.

To avoid the possibility of either losing the hard won new business because you don’t have the necessary vehicles to cover it, or worse, operating beyond the level currently permitted, address the Operator Licence issue at the outset.

Whilst taking on new drivers or hiring more vehicles can be done quickly, increasing your authorisation will take time even with the new on line facility.

You Operator Licence should be a primary consideration in your business development strategy.

If you have any legal issues please contact Jeremy Woodcraft who would be pleased to help.


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