+44 (0) 117 920 0085 hello@nrglaw.co.uk

Jeremy Woodcraft: Dispute Resolution Consultant Solicitor

+ 44 (0) 7500 717 170 / +44 (0) 117 317 9719 / jeremy.woodcraft@nrglaw.co.uk

Jeremy is in charge of the regulatory department and has 20 years’ experience dealing with all aspects of regulatory law.

He has worked extensively in the leisure and entertainment industry. In addition he has specialist expertise in the transport sector regularly appearing for operators at Public Inquiry.

Jeremy has also prosecuted and defended many Health and Safety cases and whatever the regulatory issue he always adopts a practical and business based approach.

Other: Former member of the CPT Environment and Safety committee and panel solicitor for the RHA.

Regulatory Law.

  • Advising national retailer on Trading Standards investigation into Consumer Protection breaches.
  • Licensing 10,00 capacity weekend long music festival.
  • Successfully defending the Operator licence of major bus and coach Operator at Public Inquiry.
  • Advising and representing a pub company in connection with a Food Safety investigation.
  • Representing a Bristol based business accused of beaches of the Health and Safety at Work act and the Working at Height Regulations.
  • Obtaining Premises Licences contrary to local cumulative impact policies for a major national bar restaurant chain.
Bond Pearce, TLT Solicitors and Osborne Clarke.
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